【同义词辨析】 2020-03-16 接受receive-take

receive: can imply a welcoming recognition: ~ guests with open arms; but more often it implies that something comes or is allowed to come into one's possession or presence while one is passive: ~d the news without comment.     又如freely you receive, freely you give你接收,你给予,这里的freely可以理解为不收费或慷慨: 你慷慨地接收,也应慷慨地给予

accept: adds to receive an implication of some degree of positive acquiescence or consent even if tacit: refused to ~ a valuable gift from a comparative stranger.    acquiesce默许implies tacit acceptance or forbearance of opposition沉默接受不去反对,如usually acquiesces to his wife's wishes通常默许妻子的愿望,如Steve seemed to have acquiesced in the decision史蒂夫好像默许了这个决定,介词用to或in) (consent同意agreement that involves the will or feeling表示意志和情感上的同意,如Eleanor Roosevelt: no one can make you feel inferior without your consent罗斯福夫人: 除非你自己同意,否则没人能让你觉得低人一等,如consent to their daughter's wish to go on the trip同意了女儿旅游的愿望,consent在2018-03-15 同意assent-agree组,只有consent表示意志和情感上同意或顺从他人)   (tacit心照不宣的默示的implies what is suggested indirectly or understood, rather than said in words,如tacit approval/support/knowledge许/暗中支持/心照不宣的认识,如by tacit agreement , the subject was never mentioned again根据达成的默契,这个话题从未再提起过)

admit: carries strong implications of permission, allowance, or sufferance: ~ new members to a club.   3个词都在2019-03-04 允许let-leave      名词有2个,admittance表示允许进入地方admission表示允许加入组织

take: carries the notion of accepting or at least of making no positive protest against receiving, and often of almost welcoming on principle, what is offered, conferred, or inflicted: a man who took whatever fortune sent him.   on principle根据原则遵循原则,in principle大体上基本上

receive接收接待: 可指欢迎;但更多指被动接收,accept接受: 表示正面默许赞成,即使心照不宣,admit接收接纳: 表示允许容许,take接收: 表示接受甚至欢迎所提供授予强加的,至少不反对

记忆方法: 1)首字母RAAT一只老鼠无食我黍<==接受        ""是会意字,甲骨文字形象"两手中间有一只舟",表示"接纳别人给的东西",如接受承受感受受托受益受累受辱受用       ""从手妾声,字面意思是"纳妾",本义是"交会,即交接会合",如接近接壤接任接待接续        ""的本义是"丝被水浸湿",引申为"接收接受",如采纳笑纳纳谏纳垢出纳纳福纳凉,还表示"缴付",如纳税缴纳纳粮

          2)接受的意思是同意接收mean to permit to come into one's possession, presence, group, mind, or substance.